I held a garland in one hand and some sweets in the other to give Gurudev. The occasion? Well, it was my birthday and I wasn't going to let an occasion like this pass by without getting pampered by my Guru.
I had reached the ashram quite early that evening- and found a good place in the large Yagnashala (a large, open place to conduct religious functions). I closed my eyes, taking in the wonderful aura of the place. I listened intently to a devotee sing in praise of Lord Narayana. Occasionally, I'd open my eyes to see if Gurudev had arrived.

He finally did arrive, and we all stood up reverently while He smiled that glorious, beatific smile.
I was holding my breath by then, wondering, will he call out for us folks who were celebrating birthdays? Or will he walk away as he sometimes did, when he was too busy? How would I be able to offer him the garland and sweets which I had brought?
He had two guests with him on the dais, both holy men. Gurudev asked each of them to speak. And they obliged, speaking about God, Guru and Faith.
Time passed on, and yet Gurudev was content closing his eyes and listening to the words of the holy men.
Finally he asked someone what the time was. Was he going to leave, I wondered? Should I just pass on the sweet parcel to one of the volunteers around him?
I was thinking about this when suddenly I could almost swear that Gurudev looked directly at me from where he sat. I smiled and waved the sweet parcel. 'Prasadam for you', I mouthed the words. I had to catch His attention somehow.
And then he smiled back at me and nodded!! Gurudev then gestured someone to hand over some garlands he touched with his right hand. Someone then took my own garland and gave me one which was blessed by Gurudev! There were a few other folks too, who got their birthday garlands as well. But I was ecstatic for my own!!
But my sweet parcel was still with me. I had got the offering from the Holy shrine of Tirupati. How could I give it to Gurudev, I wondered.
Gurudev then was addressing a volunteer. " Hah, some people also have some offerings. See, there is a hat over there for me. Please collect them.'
And so that was how Gurudev got my sweet parcel and blessed me this Birthday.
Nothing gets past the Guru's sight. I could now understand what Divine Connection could be like. If He could seek me out among 5000 people, now that's a Cosmic Force to reckon with...from this moment, Doubt had vanished.
Jai Guru Dev Manju ! How beautiful ....Happy Birthday...Saagar Me Ek Lehar...
thank you!!
Jai Guru Dev..
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