Companies usually have their training targets so we usually get coaxed into joining one training program or another. So I had attended stuff like 'Leadership course for software professionals', 'Coaching for performance' and stress management workshop. I enjoyed attending most of them, especially the stress management workshop. This workshop had some yoga, meditation and chat sessions. It was pleasant. The other courses also helped us understand our team members better and interact with them.
But I have yet to come across a course like DSN, which is offered by the Art of Living Foundation.
DSN, or Divya Samaj Ka Nirman essentially means to 'build a Divine society'. It is a powerful self-development course designed by Gurudev. By going through this course, a person is brought to a state of inner calm and outer dynamism. It is only in this state that one can build a divine society through community service. The guiding principle is that one helps oneself first, and then others.
Unlike other courses which teach you how to 'manage people' or 'manage anger', or 'manage change', DSN introduces you to YOURSELF. And when that happens, it is simply a MIND BLOWING EXPERIENCE.
Have you ever had the gumption to 'talk to a tree' in front of curious onlookers? You never really know what you can do, if you do not breeze into a DSN course. I 'found' myself last year when I enrolled. I have changed, am changing and wading through a sea of change- with a smile.
The DSN course is happening in Sanjaynagar on October 9- October 12, 2008. The course is being conducted Anandji, a world renowned DSN teacher. Earlier on a senior software engineer working in New York, Anandji willingly transformed himself from an IT professional to an IT guru. This time his 'IT' stood for INNER TRANSORMATION.
Check out this video on DSN. It has details of the course venue and other relevant stuff.
If you have completed your Art of Living basic course and want to move a notch above into the socio-spiritual realm, just enroll into DSN. Anandji is always traveling overseas and it is indeed fortunate for us to have him in India during this Dasara.
If you want your journey of life to get that much more interesting and intriguing, just enroll into this course.
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JGD Manjula,
DSN with Anandji, its simply Jakhas, unique about Anandji is his experience sharing, moments he spent with Guruji and the stories he tells us is what moves each one of us.....
Don't miss this opportunity, I recommend every one to do this course....
I just did my DSN with Atika Di and Pragnesh bhai ..was just awesome !!
PS: nice write ups !!
Jai Gurudeva !
I, Bhawna Aggarwal, have done my DSN with Anand bhaiya on 14april, 2011 in Pune.
Its Amazing...
Dont have any words to explain...
Thanks Guruji,
Thanks Anand bhaiya
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