Life is enthusiasm, Life is Joy, as Guruji says.
Life also comes gift-wrapped in green.
The emerald- green landscape at the ashram
Over the past few months, Bangalore has lost many a grand old tree, with rapid urbanization. How many of us have gasped and sighed as we crossed Sankey road, what with beautiful tree trunks being chopped to make way to road widening?
While there is not much point in saying NO to 'progress' aka corporatization, some of us in Sanjaynagar believe we can make a small difference by saying YES to growing more trees.
Exactly how small is this difference? It is as small as 6-13 year old kids- we believe in igniting young minds as Dr Abdul Kalam often reiterates.
This Sunday (June 29) morning, we are inviting the young 'uns in Sanjaynagar to make a beeline to a park near Sandeepani school and participate in a unique 'GO GREEN WORKSHOP'.
Kids will let their colorful imaginations run wild. Painting, quiz for 'treetotallers' and passing the 'ideas' basket to make a green serene Bangalore.
While us Art of Living'ers are the main sponsors (our teacher Komalaji has blessed the idea!), we are getting the buy-in of nearby schools for raising awareness among children. If this pilot project is successful, we plan do this workshop in all parts of Bangalore. The idea is to get nearby corporates to sponsor banners, plantlets and other goodies for kids.
Hope we can get a good turnout this Sunday. Touch Wood!
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