A couple of years ago, Palace Grounds, situated in North Bangalore, rocked to Pranayaam Dhyaan Shibir (Health and Happiness Workshop) conducted by Sri Sri Ravishankar Guruji. Over five thousand people attended the course, and greatly benefited from all the sessions, personally conducted by Guruji.
The Health and Happiness Workshop fundamentally teaches people how to manage stress in their personal and professional lives.
This year, the workshop is taking place once again on Dec 12-14, 2008, in Palace Grounds, Bangalore.
At a broader level, Guruji will cover wide array topics like managing stress, challenges faced by youth, handling emotions, responding to life style changes, cultivating healthy eating habits and much more.
More specifically speaking, the workshop will teach:
Yoga: A very unique system of Yoga known as Sukshma Yoga will be taught. Sukshma means delicate or subtle; this system of yoga is very simple, yet powerful in the ability to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate. Sukshma Yoga attends to both internal and external organs of our body from head to toes in subtle ways to bring harmony to the whole system.
Prayanaam: Breathing techniques that are easy to learn and useful in everyday life. These techniques can be utilized to heal, energize, and/or stabilize the mind, body, and emotions within minutes.
Dhyaan, or meditation: Guided meditations led by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar himself to bring instant calm and deep relaxation. Live guided meditations led by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar offer an extraordinary experience of inner peace.
The Health and Happiness attends to all levels of our physical existence - Body, Breath, and Mind. It is suitable for all age groups and skill levels.
The benefits are manifold:
Profound healing and relaxation
Eliminate stress
Sleep better and smile more
Lose weight and increase energy
Increase focus and concentration
Reduce anxiety and depression
Maintain harmony in relationships
improve your immune system and overall well-being
My personal experience: In the last H&H workshop, I was really fortunate to be on stage with a few other volunteers, to demo some postures while Guruji explained them to the audience. It was such a fantastic experience! When he guided us through meditation, I was soaring in the sky. Clearly, I did not know where I was and all I could feel is Divinity surrounding me. After this Blissful experience, Gurudev ran past us, right off the stage. He was so nimble and graceful that it felt like a white bird was gliding past us! He ran through the crowd and greeted everyone, while his close devotees struggled to keep pace running behind him!
Please do not miss this Divine experience! It is a blessing to be with Masters, who are said to be the quintessence of Godliness. It is not merely for learning techniques that you must participate in this workshop; it is to experience the Guru's Grace which is said to bring Healing in people's minds, hearts and spirits.
Buy a pass right away for the workshop and spend joyous hours in Gurudev's presence. Passes are available with “The Art of Living” Teachers, Organizers and Volunteers. Denominations available are 100/- 300/- 500/- 2500/- 5000/-.
Phone 9845082045 for more details.
Also available online www.artoflivingbangalore.org. This site also presents all the social service that our organization does world over.
Acknowledgement: Thanking Yadhav-ji, TTC coordinator and senior Teacher (Art of Living Foundation) for sending me the write-up on Pranayam Dhyan Shibir. Pictures taken from the web.
1 comment:
oh lucky Bangalore !
Jai Guru Dev,
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