Anandji does some straight talkin'
It’s the second time I sat in Anandji’s DSN course and once again, I wondered, what makes this fantastic, world-renowned teacher TICK?
DSN stands for ‘Divya Samaaj ka Nirmaan’ or building a Divine Society in Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar’s vision.

Yet, DSN is also an acronym for ‘Don’t say No’. You forget the No’s you have given and taken in life. You can’t say No because you actually want to say YES. You suddenly realize that you have such untapped potential; you shake off dogmas and labels.

If you can play Ol' Mother Hubbard...
I can play Freddy the Fisherman!

If you can play Ol' Mother Hubbard...

The DSN processes, beautifully crafted by the Master, touch the very core of your being, enlightening, enthralling, shocking, and shaking you out of your comfort zone.

How does Anandji put forth powerful concepts so lucidly? I always took pride in being a ‘communications’ person, thanks to a journalistic career. But Anandji’s teaching goes far beyond the realms of communication.
With Anandji’s persuasive techniques, you quickly want to ‘Do Something Now’. It's time to sit up and think Service, with a capital ‘S’. It’s time to see BIG, VAST Horizons, far beyond any man-made boundaries.

The DSN course enjoys worldwide success. One can of course use the logical mind and explain off this success in several ways. It definitely helps when a teacher like Anandji comes with such inimitable style, élan and grace.
In actuality, one cannot classify the DSN at all. The DSN comes with a subtle, subliminal difference, which sets it apart from other ‘personality development’, or quasi spiritual courses.
It comes with a certain gentle Grace which can be felt and not seen, like the odor of a sweet-scented flower that wafts through the window.
It awakens the consciousness and yet gently rocks the mind to a peaceful slumber....it's one of those precious pauses that you get in life that makes you sit up and wonder...

Ahh... can feel the DSN energy in your post. Jhakkass.....
Jai Guru Dev,
aye manjula !!!i could'nt have put it better.i was there for just half a day and the energy i experienced was amazing.
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