Gurudev's message was simple yet so beautiful.
He quoted key shlokas in the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna assures Arjuna that this message of the Gita has been present in so many Yugas and is the same message that he is hearing. But Arjuna asks Krishna how He remembers all this? Krishna smiles and tells Arjuna that while he (Arjuna) does not remember, He does remember!
"Arjuna, you had many lifetimes, so did I! I remember them, you don't!'
Every atom in the body goes back to Nature, atoms once again become the body. Life is so cyclical! There is a constant change in our body. The leaves fall to the ground from the tree and become manure. The same manure feeds the tree...this is natural recycling.
Krishna assures Arjuna: Sambhavaami yuge yuge.
I come back every Yuga or age.
While everything in the Universe is changing, there is one thing that does not change- and that is atma, or the soul. It is the same in everyone, it is in you and it is in Me. We are one. Once you realize that Krishna exists in everyone and in You, then you have realized the Truth.
Many people did not know that Krishna was God, even in those days. People would try to impersonate Krishna saying: I am the real Vasudeva.
This is also exemplified by how the young lad Krishna held the Goverdhan mountain to save his people in Vrindavan. The Gopis would chant "Narayana' to protect Lord Krishna, little knowing that He was Narayana Himself.
Lord Krishna was a perfect student, a perfect friend. When his poor friend Sudama visited him, Krishna washed his feet. Sudama forgot what he wanted to ask Krishna! But Krishna gave his dear friend more than what he ever wanted!
There were also instances when Krishna would abandon his batallion and run away! In every aspect of Lord Krishna's Personality, He was complete. He had many humane qualities, but he was a Purnavatar- or a complete embodiment of God. He was Total, Complete.
Gurudev says that you will realise Krishna, when you realize the big ' I' instead of the small 'i'. It is then that you know the Truth.
Usually our intellect and mind dominate, but our spirit is hidden. Guruji likens this to a light which is covered by an opaque metal. Light is invisible, but when you cover the light with a translucent material, the light shines through.
Our intellect tends to overpower the spirit leading to inertia, lethargy, doubt, disgust, blame, uncertainty and other negative feelings. But when the spirit dominates, the light is seen. Light is nothing but love. Children glow, are radiant, because their spirit is dominant. There is also light in those who have complete Faith, because of their radiant spirit.
Lord Krishna ultimately reveals His True Self in the Gita as being the 'strength in the strong, the brilliance in the brilliant, the sweetness in the sweet' and so on. Gurudev says that that is what the spirit is all about. Krishna lived for 125 years and never showed any signs of aging. He was ever youthful, ever joyous.
The message of Bhagavad Gita is simple yet brilliant, practical yet pristine. But it takes a true Master to reveal its quintessence so beautifully.
I felt so blessed simply being the audience. And now all those who read this Message are blessed as well.
Jai Guru Dev.
He quoted key shlokas in the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna assures Arjuna that this message of the Gita has been present in so many Yugas and is the same message that he is hearing. But Arjuna asks Krishna how He remembers all this? Krishna smiles and tells Arjuna that while he (Arjuna) does not remember, He does remember!
"Arjuna, you had many lifetimes, so did I! I remember them, you don't!'
Every atom in the body goes back to Nature, atoms once again become the body. Life is so cyclical! There is a constant change in our body. The leaves fall to the ground from the tree and become manure. The same manure feeds the tree...this is natural recycling.
Krishna assures Arjuna: Sambhavaami yuge yuge.
I come back every Yuga or age.
While everything in the Universe is changing, there is one thing that does not change- and that is atma, or the soul. It is the same in everyone, it is in you and it is in Me. We are one. Once you realize that Krishna exists in everyone and in You, then you have realized the Truth.
Many people did not know that Krishna was God, even in those days. People would try to impersonate Krishna saying: I am the real Vasudeva.
This is also exemplified by how the young lad Krishna held the Goverdhan mountain to save his people in Vrindavan. The Gopis would chant "Narayana' to protect Lord Krishna, little knowing that He was Narayana Himself.
Lord Krishna was a perfect student, a perfect friend. When his poor friend Sudama visited him, Krishna washed his feet. Sudama forgot what he wanted to ask Krishna! But Krishna gave his dear friend more than what he ever wanted!
There were also instances when Krishna would abandon his batallion and run away! In every aspect of Lord Krishna's Personality, He was complete. He had many humane qualities, but he was a Purnavatar- or a complete embodiment of God. He was Total, Complete.
Gurudev says that you will realise Krishna, when you realize the big ' I' instead of the small 'i'. It is then that you know the Truth.
Usually our intellect and mind dominate, but our spirit is hidden. Guruji likens this to a light which is covered by an opaque metal. Light is invisible, but when you cover the light with a translucent material, the light shines through.
Our intellect tends to overpower the spirit leading to inertia, lethargy, doubt, disgust, blame, uncertainty and other negative feelings. But when the spirit dominates, the light is seen. Light is nothing but love. Children glow, are radiant, because their spirit is dominant. There is also light in those who have complete Faith, because of their radiant spirit.
Lord Krishna ultimately reveals His True Self in the Gita as being the 'strength in the strong, the brilliance in the brilliant, the sweetness in the sweet' and so on. Gurudev says that that is what the spirit is all about. Krishna lived for 125 years and never showed any signs of aging. He was ever youthful, ever joyous.
The message of Bhagavad Gita is simple yet brilliant, practical yet pristine. But it takes a true Master to reveal its quintessence so beautifully.
I felt so blessed simply being the audience. And now all those who read this Message are blessed as well.
Jai Guru Dev.
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