My home is getting a makeover, so I'm kinda working from home over the next few days. So I got to listening to my favorite songs from the stereo system, and that was a relief for my ears. (The earplugs from my IPod were beginning to seep through the ol' brain!)
The lyrics were loud and clear even though I had to bear the incessant sound of the drill coming from a nearby apartment.
I hummed along with the tune.
'I believe I can fly' (Cold Play) - wasn't really representing my current state! But sure, the philosophy does make sense, to me.
What can we achieve, unless we believe in ourselves? Isn't that really the secret of life? Often, there's this big ball of doubt that keeps lurking around in the dark vicissitudes of our mind. Comes up at the oddest of times.
Like when you have a major release.
Or when you have a major function to organize.
Or when you just aren't sure if an old friend who you broke up with will actually respond to your olive branch.
We hardly believe that we can soar. Or see the light beyond. Leave alone get even a lukewarm response from that old friend.
Coz 'we just don't spread our wings and see the world from an entirely different plane. The 'nothings' of our past haunt us so badly that we cannot see the 'everythings' of the future.
Perhaps we need to widen this tunnel vision that we are stuck with. A lil' guidance from up above won't do us any harm either! Who better than a Guru in our lives can hold our hand and lead us through that open door?
So let's say a lil' prayer to our teachers, our Gurus, that they may nudge us ever so gently to help us believe in ourselves....then the sky is the limit.
Jai Guru Dev!
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