Friday, May 16, 2008

A beeline for books!

Celebrating Guru Puja
Yesterday evening was Sanjaynagar's day for 'Happy Birthday'ing' Guruji, albeit a trifle belated. But our little township is never one for swift action- it's a sleepy place, mildly tolerating all the noise and bustle of new shops opening at the drop of a hat pin. But when we wake up, we shake off the dust from our shoes and make waves! So yesterday, we hit the news headlines with style. We invited the kids from nearby slums over for a Satsang and proceeded to distribute books, pencil kits and some food.

We expected around 750 kids, judging by the number of passes that we had distributed in the slums. But around 1500 kids turned up at the venue- demanding their fair share of books! It was a noisy yet fun-filled evening, and by the time the last kid was handed his loot, our hands and feet were worn out. But our spirits were soaring!

I clicked a few photos with my cellphone camera but the lighting was not good enough to get the best quality. Nevertheless, I seem to have managed to capture a sampling of the upbeat crowd!

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