Today is Shivaratri. Hindus observe fasting and pray to Lord Shiva. Some devotees also stay awake all night and pray to Lord Shiva.
Our Art of Living ashram conducts 'Rudrabhisheka' and joyful Satsang amidst deep resonating echos of 'Om Namah Shivaya' chants.
I was browsing the web today when I came across a beautiful explanation of the concept of 'Neutral Space' from the 'Shiva Sutras'. This Youtube presentation is actually a discourse by Swami Paramahansa Nithyananda, a young and very knowledgeable Guru from India.
The Neutral Space is said to be a zone where you do not connect to anything (a 'no imagination' state). It is the 'unclutched state'. It is said to occur between every incoming breath and the outgoing breath.
We tend to fast-forward this Neutral Space even though we are constantly experiencing this between our incoming and outgoing breath. Every moment, we are in this 'unclutched' state. But because we are uncomfortable with this space, we tend to fast-forward it. Therefore we think that the actual time spent on incoming breath and outgoing breath is more than this 'neutral' gap. But this is apparently not so.
This neutral state is the most important state that leads you to enlightenment, or the 'Ultimate State'. Shiva preaches no morals, but presents the concept of the Ultimate State (Nirvikalpa), which leads to a moral life.
The Swamiji goes on to explain the definition of 'Time' and how it is different from the Western concept of Time. In this manner, it is said that Shiva brings you to the most fundamental knowledge, the Ultimate Truth. Which is your very nature.
Watch this video. It is from the LifeBliss Foundation.
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