We had prepared quite a bit for the 'Nav Chetan Shibir' which ended yesterday- if you recall, I had written about it a couple of blog entries ago. NCS is a program offered by the Art of Living organization, designed by Guruji Sri Sri Ravishankar. The course is specifically targeted for people in the lower economic strata.
To the sound of the drumbeats
I guess they chose to only hear the word 'kids', judging by the fact that most of the attendees turned out to be in the three foot nothing range!
On the first day, the attendance turned out to be as lean as Shah Rukh's six pack abs. Nevertheless, those that turned up listened intently as we spoke to them about their health, the importance of drinking boiled water and ways to keep their surroundings clean.
They even followed our instructions during the Pranayaam sessions to a tee. Never in our other sessions did we see any adults perform with such precision and alertness.

On Day two, they came in droves. A wonderful sight for any teacher to behold.
A teacher's Christmas gift!

We taught them meditation, or something which was akin to sitting quietly for a few moments. But what followed on Day three was an amazing transformation. The erstwhile noisy and restless bunch of kids sat still when we told them to meditate.
But of course, as we brought out the sweet packets, there was a mad rush to collect their goodies!
It was a truly wonderful experience for us. Saurabh's arrangements were superb, and Chaya really sparkled as she spoke in chaste Kannada.
If service should come with a smile- it comes real easy when you're amidst the three foot nothings...
But of course, as we brought out the sweet packets, there was a mad rush to collect their goodies!
It was a truly wonderful experience for us. Saurabh's arrangements were superb, and Chaya really sparkled as she spoke in chaste Kannada.
If service should come with a smile- it comes real easy when you're amidst the three foot nothings...
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