Monday, April 20, 2009

The other side of 'V'

This week India goes to polls- the big 'V' in the life of the Indian junta is definitely on.

The other 'V' for me is the launch of VSphere the product which we have been working for all these months. Virtualization is the buzzword of the IT world today, saving cost and energy for companies that adopt the technology.

I watched this program on ndt'V' yesterday- on Godmen in Politics. To be or not to be. I generally like the way Barkha Dutt conducts these sessions, although this time I felt that she did not give the speakers (particularly the BJP spokesman) enough time to voice his opinion.

Well there were er, votes for both sides from the audience, in this show. One side felt that the spiritual Masters should confine themselves to spirituality or Yoga or Church matters. The other side felt that hey, they were citizens too, and had a right to express their opinion.

I certainly believe that when the western Goras are calling the shots in lands far away, our desi Gurus and Gods have every right to voice their opinions. It's a free democracy. It's sad that secularism seems to be coming out in second place though.

So I see GREEN (technology) on one side and I see RED on the other. That's coz' there's this well-deserving product launch dinner in our company on one side, and there are sleazy tickets for booze being distributed by unscrupulous political parties on the other side.

It's technology on one side and mostly tyrannical ruling parties on the other. Can't really compare the two.

But hey, I do want one more 'V' this season.

I want the 'V' of Victory- for one, a product launch which beats 'em all other Hyper-Vs.

And the 'V' of Victory to Honest, clean ruling for our country.

Yes, that's a 'V' that's just gotta be...

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