Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays

I'm going out of town for the holidays. I will be back to ring in 2009. So I'll rest my fingers for a bit and set aside the keyboard.

But before that, here's wishing you a wonderful holiday. May the Xmas spirit light up the skies and bring peace to you and to the world.

I'll leave you to ponder over Guruji's words on the spirit of Christmas, taken from Guruvaani:

"You are the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is pointing upwards and its branches grow on all sides. It is orderly. At the time of year when no tree bears anything, it has many gifts to offer. And it is green throughout the year. A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself. All the gifts you are carrying in your life are for others. Anyone who comes to you, you offer them your gifts.
...Your life is a gift. And you have come to unwrap the gift. In the process of unwrapping, you also save the wrappers. Your whole environment, situations, circumstances and body are the wrapping papers. When we unwrap, we destroy the wrapping paper. We are in such a hurry at times that we even destroy the gifts. With patience and endurance, open your gifts and save the wrapping papers."

Happy Holidays.

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