Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When kids learn ad-ition!

A friend of mine took his daughter to a temple where the Goddess was decorated with Gold and silks. "Isn't She beautiful?" Pa asked his daughter.

She looked at the Goddess and nodded briefly.

Wanting his daughter to articulate her feelings, he persisted. "Isn't Her sari lovely?"

She nodded once more.

By now Pa wanted to prove to the world that his daughter was going to go all poetic to describe the Goddess.

So he coaxed her a bit further: "Ok, now say a few words to the Goddess".

She thought a bit, bringing her forefinger close to her lips in a pensive moment.

Then she closed her eyes shut and with an intense frown, she crooned: "I miss you sooooo much... it hurts!!"

The Airtel ad: Saif practices his words to Kareena on King Khan!

Wonder what the Goddess must have felt...not sure whether Airtel has a connection Up There!


Random Reflections said...

"I muss u so much" :) Shows how close children are to the Divine .And how amazing that as adults we lose that awareness .

Jai Guru Dev,

Random Reflections said...

Hey manju : also remember to change ur post "time" else a draft from long ago remains buried under all other posts even if you made it live now . As you can see ,this post is not on your main blog page.

Jai Guru dev