It's been quite some time since I blogged- mainly because my fingers ache these days from typing out mails!! Then, I recently got hooked onto doing the crossword puzzle. I started making (word)sense in those tiny tantalizing white boxes.
Once in a way, I look up from my word-o-rama to observe the world around me! One one of these occasions, I noticed that the Great Indian election's over, with (king) Cong taking centerstage.
I also noticed that the world's gotten more polemic now.
President O's saying 'NO' to Outsourcing.
I wonder whether his 'No' to the big 'O' has come too late in the day.

Maybe, from his standpoint, it all makes sense. But after calling the world 'flat', it's hard to do 'round' again . Maybe the bigwigs in the White house need to think differently, rather than drop their favorite pastime of shedding some work overseas. If this is done in the name of economy, it doesn't make sense.
After all, doesn't Uncle Sam rely on the vast population of the East to sell its burgeoning product line? The
pappus in our families don't mind choking on Coke. The college-going Tinas suddenly owe their glossy manes to imported shampoo.

dosas if Pizza is literally dropped at your doorstep?
Na-ah- we're sold on Oprah and the American Pie. We can speak American with a southern twang and English with a Scottish lilt. But we look puzzled when the friendly neighborhood vegetable vendor asks us a question in
aamchi Marathi.
Modern India is facing a socio-cultural identity crisis.
This happened because one fine day the west decided to outsource. And the O- biz grew, and

grew and grew. We yanked our kids out of reading sci-fi and showed them the computer section- coz' that was the bandwagon raking in the
Sons of farmers dropped sickles and took to scripting instead.
From win-win of the pre-recession days, it suddenly became you lose-I win from the western standpoint.
Ab Kya hoga?The writing on the wall is clear.
Now we need to drop the loss and win the toss instead. No, I'm not talking 20/20 matches here. This is a match of Life. We need to innovate, coz' the world knows that Indians are smart people hailing from a land which invented the 'zero'.
We need to create our I-Brand and we can do this in ever so many ways. By creating new products, we can bring more job opportunities. We can also give a boost to many of our already existing Indian products.

So why buy Loreal when you have an Indian brand available? These days, I use Ayurvedic soap, instead of the usual
'phoren' brand that I had gotten used to. It takes a bit of adjustment, but then, only by promoting Indian goods will we be able to create job opportunities for India.
No hard feelings Mr P, we're just looking out for ourselves, our jobs, and our products.